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  • warmara88

Family Storytime: Color Time! 5/28/2022

Here's what I have planned for family storytime this week:

Hello - Everybody Count One

Everybody count one, ONE!

Storytime has just begun,

Everybody count two, TWO!

Shake your shoulders, show your shoes,

Everybody count three, THREE!

Listen very carefully,

Everybody count four, FOUR!

And put your bottoms on the floor.

Stretch – Yoga poses

Song - Skidamarink

Early Literacy Tip: SING

Singing slows language down and breaks words into syllables. Early literacy tip for caregivers-Sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” with an adult and choose the animals. Act the animals out together or use puppets or stuffed animals.

Book – Lemons are NOT Red by Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Rhyme - Jump, Jump, Jump

Can you jump, jump, jump,

One, two, three.

Can you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle,

Just like me!

Jump, jump, jump.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

Now let’s sit on our lily pads

Quiet as can be.

Game - Sleeping, Sleeping...

Book - Counting Ovejas by Sarah Weeks

Rhyme - If You’re Wearing…

If you’re wearing any RED,

If you’re wearing any RED,

If you’re wearing any RED… put your hands on your head!

If you’re wearing any YELLOW… wave up high and say hello!

If you’re wearing any BLUE… reach down and touch your shoe!

If you’re wearing any GREEN… let’s be a jumping bean!

If you’re wearing ANY COLOR… let’s all scream and holler!

Rhyme - I Wiggle My Fingers

I wiggle my fingers,

I wiggle my toes,

I wiggle my shoulders,

I wiggle my nose. Now no more wiggles Are left in me, So I can sit as still as can be.

Book – Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons by James Dean and Eric Litwin

Song w/ Scarves - Locomotion on the Dancin' Magic soundtrack.

Rhyme – If You’re Happy and You Know It

You all know this one. I ask everyone to show me how happy they are by singing this song loud!

Goodbye - See You Later Alligator

See you later, alligator (Wave goodbye)

In a while, crocodile

Give a hug, ladybug (Hug yourself)

Blow a kiss, jellyfish (Blow a kiss)

See you soon, big baboon

Out the door, dinosaur (March)

Take care, polar bear

Wave goodbye, butterfly (Wave goodbye)

How'd it go:

This was a really great storytime! The kids were really great and building in those wiggle breaks that end with sitting, really helped.

That's all for now!



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