Hi Guys,
So far, so good with changing up my format a little bit. Still not 100% about just teaching three ASL signs instead of doing a rhyme with them, but I am going to try it again.
Here is what we did this week:
Hello Rhyme – Clap and Sing Hello
This is a new hello song for me so we will see how it goes. I created a flip-chart with “hello” on one side and “goodbye” on the other. Same words, just sub hello/goodbye.
ASL Baby Signs – GOODBYE / MOM / DAD

I’ve decided that for the babies, instead of teaching them a rhyme in sign language, that I am going to start teaching three vocabulary words each time. I generally use Baby Sign Language.com to check my signs.
Song – Spaghetti Legs by Jim Gill
This is a fun one to wiggle to and you can use it as body part identification as well.
Board Book – Fiona’s Feelings by Dr. John Hutton
I just couldn’t pass up the pictures of this hippo!
Rhyme – This Little Train
The little train ran up the track (run fingers up arm) Toot, toot, toot (make train noises) And then it came toot-tooting back (run fingers down arm) Toot, toot, toot (make train noises)
Rhyme/Prop – Five Little KernelsThis is one I’ve done before. It makes for a fun flannel.
Stretch – Open and Shut Them
Such a simple rhyme and one that is so good for the babies.
Open, shut them, open, shut them,
Give a little clap, clap, clap. Open, shut them, open, shut them, Put them in your lap, lap, lap.
Creep them, creep them, Creep them, creep them, Right up to your chin, chin, chin. Open up your little mouth, But do not put them in.
Song – Old MacDonald Had a Band by Kathy Reid-Naiman I haven’t used this one in storytime before but I am going to try to scrounge up the instruments used in this song and break them out at each verse.

Book – The Baby Parade by Rebecca O’Connell
Such a cute book about babies for babies!
Lift – Tick Tock, Tick Tock
This is a fun lapsit rhyme with a lift at the end as we “cuckoo!”
Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock. Tick tock, tick tock, now it’s one o’clock. Cuckoo! (Lift baby into the air) Continue with two and three o’clock.
Bounce – This is the way the lady rides
We love how this one goes faster and faster and faster!
This is the way the lady rides, Lady rides, lady rides, This is the way the lady rides. On her way to town.
This is the way the gentleman rides, Gentleman rides, gentleman rides, This is the way the gentleman rides. On his way to town.
This is the way the doctor rides, Doctor rides, doctor rides, This is the way the doctor rides. On his way to town.
This is the way the cowboy rides, Cowboy rides, cowboy rides, This is the way the cowboy rides. On his way to town.
Song/Shaker – Rocketship Run by The Laurie Berkner Band

Time to break out the shakers!
Song/Bubbles – Splish Splash by Mr. AI
Kids love bubbles and they are great for strengthening the eye muscles that we later use for reading.
Goodbye Rhyme – Clap and Sing Goodbye
We end the same way we started.
Song – Clean It Up
Any good clean up song will work.
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together
I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!
How’d it go:
We had lots of fun with some new rhymes yesterday. The little ones always like their bounces and lifts.
That’s all for now!