Alright guys, I’ve had my rocket ship bulletin board up long enough. It was time for a new one and I figured I’d better do something with plants or growing things before fall creeps up on me. And so we get: When we READ we GROW!

I’ve been really into incorporating some 3D elements into my displays lately and I saw on Pinterest someone who used books as flower heads. I thought this was a really neat idea, so I tried to think up how else I could make bookish flowers 3D.
To get the stems, I just crumbled up about half a sheet of green paper and only stapled at the tops and bottoms. For the pots, I cut out long rectangles of brown paper, folded over the lips and then took the bottom two corners and taped them together to form a slanted pot shape. When you staple the pots down, you have to do it from the inside of the pot.

The books and butterflies were done the same way. Quick staple in the middle and then take your ends and push them in a bit to make the page/butterfly pop–staple when satisfied, right at the end of the paper.
Overall, this was a quick display, with minimal artistic flair needed. Came out pretty good if I do say so myself!
That’s all for now!