For this storytime, I wanted to do all things movement and dance!
Everybody Count One Everybody count one, ONE! Storytime has just begun, Everybody count two, TWO! Shake your shoulders, show your shoes, Everybody count three, THREE! Listen very carefully, Everybody count four, FOUR! And put your bottoms on the floor.
La Bamba by Joanie Bartels from Dancin’ Magic
Move to the Beat! From tapping your toes to jumping, skipping and dancing our hearts out, we all move to our own beat. Today, we are going to celebrate movement of all kinds. We are going to get our mind and body moving, so I hope you will all join me in moving and grooving in this storytime! Letter identification -- “M” for Move; ASL – DANCE/PLAY/MOVE

Jump, Jump, Jump Can you jump, jump, jump, One, two, three. Can you wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, Just like me! Jump, jump, jump. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Now let’s sit on our bottoms Quiet as can be.
Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles - Think of That! By Leo and Diane Dillon The Dillons are the only illustrators to win the Caldecott Medal two years in a row, which they did in 1976 and 1977. In 2003 this book we are about to read was a Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor book.
Can You Move With Me Can you wiggle like a worm, Can you squiggle, can you squirm? Can you flutter, can you fly, Like a gentle butterfly? Can you crawl upon the ground Like a beetle that is round? Can you move with me? Can you flip? Can you flop? Can you give a little hop? Can you slither like a snake? Can you give a little shake? Can you dance like a bee who is buzzing in a tree? Can you move with me?

Game – Sleeping sleeping all my friends were sleeping and when they woke up, they were ______.
(lions, butterflies, cats, dogs...)
Hilda Must Be Dancing by Karma Wilson Karma Wilson has published around 40 books. You may be familiar with her Bear books.
Dancing Sheep (puppet) Shhh! It’s time to go to sleep (put finger to mouth, pretend to sleep) But into my bedroom one sheep creeps. (creep fingers) “Don’t go to bed,” the one sheep said. “I would rather dance instead!” Soon he was… Dancing on the ceiling! (move hands above head He was dancing on the floor! (move hands on floor He was dancing on the window! (move hands to one side) He was dancing on the door! (move hands to other side) He kept on… Dancing on the ceiling! (sing faster) He was dancing on the floor! He was dancing on the window! He was dancing on the door! (repeat several times getting faster each time through) “Stop that dancing, silly sheep. It is time to go to sleep!” Soon the sheep lay on the floor. Soon the sheep began to snore. So I started … Dancing on the ceiling! I was dancing on the floor! I was dancing on the window! I was dancing on the door!
Monkey See Monkey Do Monkey see, monkey do Little monkey in the zoo Monkey, monkey, in the tree Can you jump around like me? (swing tail, clap hands, nod head, sit down)
Dance Your Fingers Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down Dance them to the side and dance them all around. Dance them on our shoulders, dance them on your head. Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed!

Salsa Lullaby by Jen Arena and Illustrated by Erika Meza
Jen Arena is an editor turned author and has published popular children’s books like Lady Liberty’s Holiday and Marta, Big and Small. Erika Meza is a Mexican author and illustrator. Fun fact, she’s moved 35 times!
Takeaway – DIY Instrument
See You Later Alligator See you later, alligator (Wave goodbye) In a while, crocodile Give a hug, ladybug (Hug yourself) Blow a kiss, jellyfish (Blow a kiss) See you soon, big baboon Out the door, dinosaur (March) Take care, polar bear Wave goodbye, butterfly (Wave goodbye)
Touch Your… Touch your nose Touch your chin That’s the way this game begins Touch your eyes Touch your knees Now pretend you’re going to sneeze! Aaachooooo! Touch your hair Touch one ear Touch your two red lips right here Touch your elbow where it ends And that’s the way this touch game ends.
How'd it go:
Overall, this was a really fun story time and would make a great in-person one, with all the movements! I did end up cutting out the monkey rhyme for time purposes but everyone seemed to be getting up and moving at home and that was my ultimate goal! Fun was had by all :-)
That's all for now!