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Virtual Baby Storytime: 6/11/2020

Updated: Aug 3, 2021

Hi guys, I’m back for another virtual baby storytime. Here’s what I’ve got planned:

Clap Everybody and Say Hello

I think this is a great one for babies. Simple movements and a good lap rhyme.

Clap everybody and say hello,

Clap everybody and say hello,

Clap everybody and say hello,

Say hello today!


Rolling, Rolling Little Hands

I like this one because it’s a little different than your normal “Roll Your Hands.”

Rolling, rolling little hands Rolling down the street Rolling slowly Rolling faster Rolling, rolling little hands. Tapping, tapping little toes Clapping, clapping little hands Hugging, hugging little arms…hugging tight, hugging tighter

BOOK – Ten Little Fingers by Annie Kubler

This book is basically a kids rhyme in book format but I thought it would be a good one for working on dexterity for the little guys.

Cheek, Chin

I like this one for its repetition and body part identification. And it has a bonus lift, which I love.


Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, cheek, chin, nose. Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, cheek, chin, toes. Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, up baby goes!

FLANNEL – Woosh Went the Wind

This is one I found soo long ago and I figured my grown-ups can use it as finger play or movement while I do the flannel. I like to woosh my arms back and forth when each dandelion blows away.

Five little dandelions growing by my door, WOOSH went the wind (swing arms side to side) And then there were four. Four little dandelions pretty as can be, WOOSH went the wind And then there were three. Three little dandelions, I picked them for you. WOOSH went the wind and then there were two. Two little dandelions, blowing them is fun! WOOSH went the wind And then there was one.  One little dandelion standing in the breeze, WOOSH went the wind And scattered all the seeds!

BOOK – Overboard! By Sarah Weeks

This is probably my favorite baby book. I love dipping baby every time we read “overboard!” It’s also a great one for phonetic awareness.

Slowly, Slowly, Very Slowly…

This is a fun finger play, great for interacting with baby.

Slowly, slowly, very slowly up the garden rail Slowly, slowly, very slowly creeps the garden snail Quickly, quickly, very quickly all around the house. Quickly, quickly, very quickly runs the garden mouse.

This Little Train

This is also a good finger play. I like to bop baby on the nose with the “choo choo” or “toot too.”


The little train ran up the track (run fingers up arm) Toot, toot, toot (Tap baby nose) And then it came toot-tooting back (run fingers down arm) Toot, toot, toot (Tap baby nose)

BOOK – Mouse Says “Sorry” by Michael Dahl

For this one, I will teach how to sign “sorry” in ASL and then we will use the repetition in this book to practice the sign.

Up, Up, Up Toward the end of storytime, I always do some lifts and bounces. This is a simple lift I made up myself.

Up, up, up (lift baby up) Down, down, down (bring baby back down) Up, down, up, down (up and down motion) And tickles all around (tickle baby)

Bouncy, Bouncy Baby

And a fun bounce for those lap babies. At “BOOM!” we dip baby to the side.

Bounce, bounce, up and down, Bounce, bounce all around Bouncing fast Bouncing slow Bounce, bounce…BOOM!

Everybody Clap and Say Goodbye

Finally, I end the same way we said hello.

Clap everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye, say goodbye. Clap everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye today. Wave everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye, say goodbye. Wave everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye today. Bounce everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye, say goodbye. Bounce everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye today.

How’d it go:

I ended up cutting out “this little train” for time reasons and apparently Zoom didn’t like when I pitched my voice for “Overboard!” but other than that lots of fun!

That’s all for now!


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