It's been so long since I've done any storytime-like programming INSIDE, that it was so great to set up this tour and mini-storytime with a group of special needs students at one of our local High Schools.
After touring the children's section and talking about some resources, we headed to the programming room for our storytime:
HELLO – Hello Friends (ASL)
A librarian favorite, we sing and sign this rhyme.
Hello friends, Hello friends, It’s time to say hello.
Lately, I've been really into warming up our bodies with some simple stretches or yoga moves. Pretending we are trees, waving in the breeze and swinging our arms like we are caught in a snow storm.

BOOK – Toad on the Road: a Cautionary Tale by Stephen Shaskan
This is a newer book for me and has lots of rhyme, repetition and a guessing element, that I think works well with this audience.
DANCE BREAK – with Music and Instruments
Then it was time for a dance break. I passed out bells and scarves and we danced to...
The Party Freeze Dance by The Kiboomers (with bells)
1,2,3 Whee! by Piccolo Music (with scarves)
BOOK - I Am A Peaceful Goldfish by Shoshana Chaim
Then we took a break to get our breath back and calm down for the rest of storytime with this gem of a book. It make breathing exercises fun!

My Color Box - What color is in my box
I took a tissue box and tied colorful scarves together in the order of a rainbow and every time I pulled out another color, we named it and signed the color.
PROP STORY – White Rabbit’s Color Book by Allen Baker
This is one of my favorite ever prop stories! I have three buckets of "paint" and I tell the story using these props. Has that surprise moment when you dip your rabbit in the "paint" and it pops out a different color.
DANCE BREAK– Can’t Stop the Feeling! by Trolls Soundtrack
Time for another dance break!
GOODBYE – Goodbye Friends (ASL)
Then we say goodbye the same way we say hello.
Goodbye friends, Goodbye friends, It’s time to say goodbye.

How'd it go:
This was so much fun and so nice to get back in the groove of storytime! This small group participated, laughed and I was so impressed with the one boy who responded to all of the color questions, enthusiastically on his iPad. I can't wait until we can get back to regular storytimes!
That's all for now!