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LapSit Storytime – 3/13/17

It’s time for another LapSit Storytime! This time I picked one of my favorite stories and a bunch of our most popular rhymes.

Here’s a list of what we did:

  1. Rhyme – Welcome, Welcome Everyone

  2. This is to the tune of twinkle, twinkle little star and it is my way to welcome my crew to storytime.

Welcome, welcome everyone

Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun!

First we’ll clap our hands just so,

Then we’ll bend and touch our toes.

Welcome, welcome everyone

Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun!

  1. ASL – Hello Friends

  2. I like to use sign language in my story time. We go over the signs for: Hello, Friends, Time and Say. Thanks to Jbrary for this one!

  3. Movement Exercise – Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

  4. I like to get warmed up with this classic.

  5. Song w/ Movements – Tap Your Toes and Follow Me by Susan Salidor.

  6. We follow along with the lyrics and do the movements.

  7. Movement Exercise – Here is a Beehive

  8. I have a glove with bees on each finger and I hold up a paper beehive.

Here is a beehive, where are all the bees?

Hiding away where nobody sees.

Watch and you’ll see them come out the hive.

One, two, three, four, five.

Bzzzzz…all fly away!

  1. Story – Overboard! By Sarah Weeks 

  1. This one asks for grownup participation. Everytime I say “overboard” the grownups dip the kiddies forward. Always gets lots of giggles and this is a great one for practicing the sounds different words make.

  2. Bounce – This is the Way the Lady Rides

  3. This is one of my most popular bounces. We get faster and faster with each verse.

This is the way the lady rides

Lady ride, lady rides.

This the way on her way to town. 

Repeat with Gentleman, Doctor and Cowboy.

  1. Movement Rhyme – The Itsy Bitsy Spider

  2. Everyone knows this one!

  3. Bounce – Going Up and Down in an Elevator

  4. Obviously we like our bounces. Baby goes up and down as you do the rhyme.

Going up and down in an elevator

Up and down in an elevator

Up and down in an elevator

First floor, second floor, third floor, down!

  1. Story – Peek-a-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti 

  1. I actually have a ton of copies of this one, so I passed them out so each grownup had a copy to flip the flaps with the kids while I read.

  2. Song w/ Shakers – Chugga Lugga Choo Choo

  3. I like to switch between a song with shakers and a song with scarves. This week we went with the shakers.

  4. Movement Rhyme – Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  5. We pick a nice slow rhyme so slow down with.

  6. ASL – Goodbye Friends

  7. We learn to say goodbye in ASL and use the same signs and song as our hello.

  8. Song – Goodbye, So long, Farewell My Friends by Music Together

  9. Just a slow, goodbye song I always put on as I open the doors to say goodbye.

How’d it go? When I rang my storytime bell, I had literally two toddlers walk in. But thankfully after a few more minutes we ended up with a small but diverse group of 10 kids and 11 adults. Passing out Peek-a-Moo went great and the adults surprisingly read along with me. Everything seemed to go well and we all had a good time!

That’s all for now!


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