Back with some more random toddler-esq activities. Anyone else starting to run out of ideas, especially ones that last more than five minutes? Anywho… here’s what we’ve been up to:
Rock Scrubbing:

Continuing our work on very slowly creating a fairy garden, we found some cool rocks and got them all cleaned up. A bucket, some soap and a sponge led to at least an hour of cleaning rocks… and re-cleaning rocks, which eventually led to scrubbing the club house and the slide.
Pom Poms & Straws:

A while ago I bought a bag of mixed sized poms for crafting or sensory bins and the other day I grabbed the bag and some straws. I used some painters tape to create a “track” and fully intended on “racing” the buggy to see who could make their pom cross the finish line first. She had other options and dumped them all out. There was a lot of spit involved, lol.
Miscellaneous Happenings:
One thing I tried, after seeing a few posts from other moms, was doing a colorful veggie scavenger hunt, which lasted about five minutes. I “hid” her veggies and asked her to name them and the colors when she found them. We ended up throwing all the fruit when I told her the watermelon was a lemon and she insisted it was a watermelon. Oh well.
We are starting to get the nursery ready for our second baby and one of the awesome ideas my husband had was to use a magnetic primer on one of the skinny walls. The thought is that the buggy can play with magnets when we are stuck in the nursery feeding the baby or something. No dust from chalk; no mess of a white board; I love it!
Finally, we got really desperate one night before bath time and broke out the washable markers and let the bug “paint” her toes. This turned into coloring her feet and eventually coloring our feet too. Desperate times people. But we made it to bath time with a happy toddler.
Stay safe everyone!
That’s all for now!