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  • warmara88

Keeping Busy with a Toddler

Hi Guys,

With working from home, I haven’t been posting as much. Being pregnant, having to take care of a toddler, working remotely and dealing with everything else going on, there just hasn’t been as much time to post storytimes or book reviews. So I thought I’d share a couple of the boredom busters we are doing at my house. I hope you find them helpful in keeping your little ones busy.

DIY Sensory Bin:

This one has been a favorite of ours. I basically took a cookie/food container and filled it with nick-nacks I had around the house. I had some expiring pasta and rice, some felt shapes, letters, dice, a flower, pony beads and some decorative buttons. My little one loves scooping the materials into another bowl using a spoon or cup. I also gave her a pipe cleaner and let her search for the beads and string them on.

This took me maybe 5 minutes to scrounge together.

DIY Shape Stickies:

This was another 5 minute prep. Take the press and seal saran wrap, sticky side out, and tape it to a wall or window. Cut out shapes in different sizes and colors. Construction paper will work but tissue paper sticks better. We identified the shapes and colors as we stuck them up.

Glow Bath:


Haha this one was so fun but made getting out of the bath really hard! I had some glow sticks and I stuck them in her bath. We left the hallway light on and turned off the bathroom light. Again, basically no prep but filling the bath and cracking those light sticks.

Painting with Sponges & Shapes:


I have a big roll of brown paper, newspaper would work too, that I rolled out onto the table. I then put three big blobs of paint and gave my little one a toilet paper roll, some cut up sponges (cutting shapes into them were a fail), and some paint brushes and just let her paint away. You gotta be prepared for the mess and clean up with this one. But set up was really quick. We love getting messy first thing in the morning apparently.

More to come. Stay safe!

That’s all for now!


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