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  • warmara88

Family Storytime: Zoo

Hi Guys,

Got another fun family storytime for you this week! And I am experimenting with using our projector instead of printed flannel boards–not a fancy one from the ceiling, so we’ll see how it goes. My theme this week is anything having to do with the zoo or zoo animals.

Here’s what I’ve got planned:

  1. SONG – Top of the Morning

  2. This is a fun tune and great for waking up and doing a little stretching. It’s called Top of the Morning.

  3. ASL – The More We Get Together

  4. We first teach the kids the signs for: More, Together, Happy & Friends. Then incorporate the signs as we sing the song. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.

  5. Movement Rhyme – Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

  6. Who doesn’t love this one! We get faster and faster each time

we go through it.

  1. Movement Rhyme – Monkey See, Monkey Do…

  2. This is a fun rhyme that get’s kids acting like monkeys!

  3. Book – I AM A Cat! by Galia Bernstein

  4. This is a new one for our library and educational! We’ll see how it goes.

  5. Song – We’re going to the zoo by Raffi

  6. A zoo themed song to take a little movement break with.

  7. Rhyme – An Elephant Goes Like This And That…

  8. Who doesn’t love pretending to be an elephant!

  9. Flannel Board – Dear Zoo by Rob Campbell

  10. I made this flannel ages ago and haven’t used it in a while! 

  1. Game – Sleeping, Sleeping All the Children Were Sleeping…

  2. This is one my mom actually taught from when she was nannying. You put all the children to sleep and when they wake up they are… cats, lions, mice, butterflies. Just make sure you turn them back to kids before you finish.

Sleeping, sleeping all the children were sleeping and when they woke up they were… LIONS! (pick different animals). Sleeping, sleeping all the little lions were sleeping and when they woke up they were…

  1. Book – Monkey and Me by Emily Gravett 

  1. A nice, easy and repetitive story about what a girl and her monkey saw at the zoo.

  2. Puppet Rhyme – Alligator, Alligator

  3. This is one you can do with a puppet or with your hands and arms. I generally use a puppet but I show the kids how to do it with their arms first.

Alligator, alligator long and green. Alligator, alligator teeth so me. Chomping at a fly, chomping at a bee, chomping at a bird but you can’t catch me!

  1. Song/Shakers – Happy from Despicable Me 2

  2. “because we’re happy…” am I right?

  3. ASL – The More We Get Together

  4. I like to end with the same sign language song we used in the beginning.

  5. Song – Clean It Up

  6. Any good clean up song will work.

  7. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together

  8. I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!

How’d it go: This one went really well and I did much better with time then I usually do. I did decide to nix the “I AM A Cat” in favor for “How Much Does A Ladybug Weigh?” It was shorter and still had that non-fiction element to it. Other than that, everything else went off without a hitch!

That’s all for now!


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