Hello – Clap Everybody and Say hello
Clap everybody and say hello, Say hello, say hello Clap everybody and say hello, Say hello today -Wave / Jump

Stretch – Yoga poses
Early Literacy Tip: READ
Reading to our children will not only instill a love of reading but will expand their vocabulary and build comprehension skills. Early literacy tip for caregivers- When you are out walking or driving, point out colors and words on road signs.
Book – Say Hello by Rachel Isadora
Rhyme – Dance Your Fingers
Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down
Dance them to the side and dance them all around.
Dance them on our shoulders, dance them on your head.
Dance them on your tummy and put them all to bed!
Parachute Warm Up – Opposites – Up/Down, Fast/Slow, Right/Left

Parachute Rhyme – Up and Down in an Elevator
Going up and down in an elevator.
Up and down in an elevator.
Up and down in an elevator.
1st floor. 2nd floor. 3rd floor. DOWN!
Parachute Rhyme – If You’re Happy and You Know It (Lift it high/Drop down low/Shake it fast/Shake it slow
Book - Nobody Hugs a Cactus by Carter Goodrich
Rhyme – Little Clapping Mouse
Behind the tree * * And under the house * * There lived a teeny * * Tiny mouse * * She loved to sing * * She loved to tap * * But most of all * * She loved to clap * * She clapped all night * * She clapped all day * * She clapped to frighten * * The cat away * * * * * * * * (lots of claps)
Rhyme – Monkey See, Monkey Do
Monkey see, monkey do
Little monkey in the zoo
Monkey, monkey, in the tree
Can you jump around like me?
(swing tail, clap hands, nod head, sit down)

Book – Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horacek
Bubbles/Song - Splish Splash from the You’ve Got Mail Soundtrack
Rhyme – The More We Get Together
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
‘Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together
The happier we’ll be
Goodbye – Clap Everybody and Say Goodbye
Clap everybody and say goodbye, Say hello, say goodbye Clap everybody and say goodbye, Say goodbye today -Wave / Jump
How'd it go:
We ended up having to move inside, so I tweaked things a little bit. I put Nobody Hugs a Cactus towards the end, added a few music wiggle tunes and replaced Silly Suzy Goose with I Am a Gentle Goldfish, which I love as a calm down book. Even with the craziness of the changes, we had over a 100 people attend and it was awesome!
That's all for now!