Family Storytime – 8/24/19 – Community Helpers
This is an extra special storytime because we are going to have a guest afterwards talk to the group. A local police officer is going to do a meet-and-greet, which just goes so great with the theme!
Song – Top of the Morning
This is a fun tune and great for waking up and doing a little stretching. It’s called Top of the Morning.
Hello Rhyme – Say Hello
This is a great rhyme for saying hello because we get to do it in so many fun ways!
Stretch/Song – Silly Dance Contest by Jim Gill
This is a fun movement song to get the kids going.
I always teach three or four signs based on our theme in my family storytimes. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.
Rhyme – This Little Helper
This is a finger play all about different community helpers.

This helper builds our houses. (thumb) This helper brings our mail. (pointer) This helper teaches the children. (middle finger) And this one has groceries to sell. (ring finger) And this little helper, yes, it’s me (pinky finger) When I grow up, (Stretch arms above head) Which will I be? (Point to self)
Book – Whose Hands Are These? By Miranda Paul
I am so in love with this book. It’s nonfiction, part guessing game, part rhyme. Basically, inspired my whole storytime.
Rhyme – Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck
This one seems really long but interactive, so we will see how it goes.
Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck (Hands on steering wheel) Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)
Hurry, hurry, turn the corner (Lean to the right) Hurry, hurry, turn the corner (Lean to the left) Hurry, hurry, turn the corner (Lean to the right and left) Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)
Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder (Pretend to climb ladder) Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)
Hurry, hurry, squirt the water (Pretend to spray hose) Hurry, hurry, squirt the water Hurry, hurry, squirt the water Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)
Slowly, slowly, back to the station (Lean slowly to the left and right) Slowly, slowly, back to the station Slowly, slowly, back to the station Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! (Ring bell)
Game – Traffic Light Freeze Game
I created red, yellow and green circles on popsicle sticks. When I held up the green, they’d drive their cars. Yellow and they would drive in slow motion. Red and they would have to freeze in place. I showed them in different orders and at different paces to make it more fun. A freeze dance for cars!
Prop/Felt Board – Little Cat, Little Cat
I basically glued felt on the back on print outs of different helper hats: Policeman, Fireman, Teacher, Handyman and Chef.
Kitty cat, kitty cat are you under the _________ hat?
Rhyme – What is my job?
This is sung to the tune of “Are You Sleeping.”
What is my job? What is my job? Can you guess? Can you guess? [_________________] [_________________] Who am I? Who am I?
*Other verses: I help people get well (doctor). I make meals for you (chef). I keep your pets healthy (veterinarian). I put out the fires (firefighter). I grow food for you (farmer). I help you cross the street (crossing guard). I can help you stay safe (police officer).
Book – Police Officer on Patrol by Kersten Hamilton

A little long but I wanted to end with a police officer book since our speaker is an officer.
Song/Shakers – Community Helper Hop by Ronno
Gotta break out those shakers or I’d get a revolt!
Rhyme – If You’re Happy and You Know It
I’ll include this one if we have time but with my speaker, I want to wrap up a little quicker than normal.
Rhyme – Say Goodbye
This is the same rhyme we started with, so the new guys are familiar with it by the end of storytime.
Song – Clean It Up! by The Laurie Berkner Band
Everyone helps put our shakers away.
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell my Friends by Music Together
I always put this one on as I go to open the door. Its a nice, slow, peaceful song to wind down on.

How’d it go:
What a fun storytime. Instead of doing my ending, I stopped storytime right after our shakers and introduced a local police officer and the kids had a blast talking and taking pictures. The junior police officer badges were also a hit.
That’s all for now!
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