Family Storytime – 12/14/19 – Bilingual/Spanish
Wake Up Song – Top of the Morning
I always start my family storytimes with this song. I was hoping to find something comparable that was bilingual but I ran up against the clock and didn’t find anything that really caught my ear.
Hello Rhyme – Hello, Hello, Hello
We are going to focus on saying “hello” in English and Spanish only for this bilingual storytime.
Hello, hello, hello. It’s time to say hello. Hello, today, to all my friends. Hello, hello, hello. (English, ASL, Spanish, French, etc.)
Song/Stretch – Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes in Spanish/English
It took some digging but I found this song online and it is perfect for a bilingual warm up!
Rhyme – Bueno Dias/Good Morningby De Colores and Other Latin-American Folk Songs for Children
This is a repeat after me. I am going to do the English version first and the Spanish second. Then we will alternate.
Book – How Do You Say? Como se dice? By Angela DominquezThis is the one that actually inspired me to do a bilingual storytime. It is easy for me, with mostly vocabulary.
Rhyme – Red is Rojo
This is a simple rhyme about colors.
Flannel – I Spy– Colors/Animals
I have animal outlines printed on colored paper and we are going identify the animal and the color in both Spanish and English.
Song – De Colores by Dora the Explorer
I think we are going to break out the scarves for this one and have a little dance break. This is a fun song in both English and Spanish.
Book – Marta! Big & Small by Jen Arena
I done this one in the past. It’s in English with Spanish vocabulary thrown in.
Rhyme – Show Me Numbers
This one is practicing identifying our numbers in both English and Spanish.
Song/Shakers – La Bamba by Dancin’ Magic
By this time, I figured we need to break out those shakers and dance!
Goodbye Rhyme – Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
We will say goodbye the same way we said hello.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. It’s time to say goodbye. Goodbye, today, to all my friends. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. (English, ASL, Spanish, French, etc.)
Song – Clean It Up! by The Laurie Berkner Band
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by K. Guilmartin
How’d it go:
I think it went really well! I made my announcement in the beginning that I am not a fluent Spanish speaker–at all really–but I practiced with a native speaker and everyone was really great about it. I don’t know how often I would do one of these but it is nice to have the option in my pocket for a rainy day.
That’s all for now!