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Family Storytime – 10/5/19 – PETS 

Family Storytime – 10/5/19 – PETS

  1. Song – Top of the Morning

  2. This is a fun tune and great for waking up and doing a little stretching. It’s called Top of the Morning.

  3. Hello Rhyme – Clap and Sing Hello

We clap and sing hello, With our friends at storytime, We clap and sing hello! (Wave and sing hello; stomp and sing hello.)

  1. Song/Stretch – Shake My Sillies Out

  2. I haven’t used this one in a while and it’s a good way to get pumped up for storytime.

  3. ASL – CAT / DOG / FISH / BIRD

  1. I always teach three or four signs based on our theme in my family storytimes. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.

  2. Book – How Do Dinosaurs Choose Their Pets? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

  3. I’ve never used one of Yolen’s dinosaur books before but this seems like a good time to do so.

  4. Rhyme – How Much Is that Pet in the Window?

  5. This is one from my childhood. I remember one year a friend of mine dress as a pet shop window and went around singing this song over and over again.

How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof! The one with the waggly tail? How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof! I do hope that doggy’s for sale.

Kitty…meow…long whiskers Bird… tweet tweet…flappity wings Rabbit…hop hop…hoppity legs  Fish… glub glub… swimmy fins

  1. Activity – Sleeping, Sleeping…

  2. This is a game my mom taught me. You put the kids to sleep, “sleeping, sleeping all the children were sleeping,” and you wake them up as different animals, “And when they woke up they were….” Just don’t forget to put your animals back to bed and wake them up as children.

  3. Flannel –  Little Cat, Little Cat

  4. I did this one not too long ago but I’m gonna give it another try. It’s basically a guessing game. Little cat, little cat are you under the __________’s hat?

  5. Rhyme –   I had a little turtle

  6. I haven’t done this one in forever and it’s so much fun!

I had a little turtle His name is Tiny Tim I put him in the bathtub To see if he could swim. He drank up all the water He ate up all the soap And now he’s home sick in bed with bubbles in his throat! Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble pop!

  1. Book – Grumpy Pets by Kristine Lombardi

  2. This is such a cute story with grumpy faces and a happy ending.

  3. Rhyme –  Love Your Pets 

  4. To the tune of row, row, row your boat.


Love, love, love your pets, Love them everyday. Give them food and water too, Then let them run and play.

  1. Song/Shakers –  Happy by Pharrell Williams

  2. I break this one out every once in a while. The moms ten to like it.

  3. Rhyme – If You’re Happy and You Know It

  4. I like to know how happy we are at the end of storytime and this is the perfect one to do that with.

  5. Goodbye Rhyme – Clap and Sing Goodbye

  6. This is the same opening rhyme but with goodbye instead.

We clap goodbye like this, With our friends at storytime, We goodbye like this! (Wave and stomp goodbye)

  1. Song – Clean It Up! by The Laurie Berkner Band

  2. Everyone helps put our shakers away.

  3. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell my Friends by Music Together

  4. I always put this one on as I go to open the door. Its a nice, slow, peaceful song to wind down on.

How’d it go:

This was a pretty small crew, only about 60 out of my normal 100, because there was an event next door. But we all had fun anyway. I think I need to add something more interactive after our second story but other than that, all went well.

That’s all for now!


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