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  • warmara88

Dog’s Colorful Day – Magnet Board

Hi Guys,


For an upcoming storytime I decided to read: Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd. It’s a fun one for counting and identifying colors. It also was a really easy one to create a prop for.

First, I drew and cut out a nice big version of my dog. I laminated him with the intention of using dry erase markers to draw on his spots, so that I could easily erase them when he got his “bath.” But I didn’t have the right colors so I decided to cut out my dots too.

Then I attached magnets to my dog and each of his spots, so I can stick his spots on as the story progresses.

All of our magnet boards are white, which really washed out my dog, so I decided to put up a black background with thin paper so the magnets still work.

And that’s it! Really easy one. I’ll let you guys know how it goes!

That’s all for now!


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