Hi Guys,
This weekend I was able to put together a new bulletin board display, inspired by picture book classic: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
For those of you who are not familiar with this gem, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a picture book that uses fun rhymes to go through the alphabet.
“A told B, and B told C, I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree.”
All the letters of the alphabet race up the coconut tree, but it’s a tight squeeze… well you can guess the rest.
This was a display I’ve been wanting to do for awhile. The palm tree is the perfect icon for summer and the falling alphabet was just screaming to be spelled out into some library-ish term.
To begin building my display I started with my letters. I chose to spell out “READING” because it was a long enough word to look right but not too long to be squished.

I tried to use colors that complimented the story. My library does have an accucutter for lettering but the font just wasn’t right, so I printed mine out and cut them out myself.
I’ve been trying to think green lately so I’ve been laminating all of the displays, if at all possible. This way I can reuse elements in other displays and build up a cache of backups in case I ever don’t have time to create a whole new display.
I was done with my letters I wor
ked on my palm tree. In order to make the assembly easier I left the palms and base of the tree separate. This also allowed me to laminate the pieces.
With my palm tree and my letters all I had left to do was measure out my background paper and, very gently, take down my current display.
I did run into a little issue when putting up the bulletin board. With the way I set my background I didn’t have quite enough room to fit the whole palm onto the tree at the right angle without some of the branches, branching–ha!–outside of the bulletin area. This actually was a happy accident because the palms looked like they were almost jumping out of the display. And of course last minute I had to add a happy sun.
Overall, this was a super fun and really easy display. This one took minimal effort and did not require a ton of tiny details. To put up this bulletin board I have to use a step ladder and lean over a fish tank, so having minimal “parts” is ideal.
I hope you enjoyed my Chicka Chicka Boom Boom inspired reading display!