Hi Guys, for this baby storytime, I went with all things turkey related. You know, to get us ready for turkey day! Here’s what we did:
Stretch – Wake Up Feet!
Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up and wiggle in the morning. Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.
ASL – The More We Get Together
We first teach the kids the signs for: More, Together, Happy & Friends. Then incorporate the signs as we sing the song. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.
Song – Roll Your Hands by Toddler Parade
This is a great one for babies!
Board Book – Llama, Llama Give Thanks by Anne Dewdney
I like to pass out books to promote one-on-one reading. And this was a nice familiar one for us to read together.
Magnet Board – 10 Fat Turkeys by Tony Johnston
I printed out 10 random turkey and we counted them off on the magnet board as I read Johnston’s book.
Dance – The Turkey Hokey Pokey
You put your wings in, You put your wings out. You put your wings in and you shake them all about You do the turkey pokey and you turn yourself around That’s what it’s all about Also: …drumsticks (legs), tail feathers (bottom), stuffing (tummy),wattle (head), whole turkey self
Rhyme – I’m a Little Turkey
I’m a little turkey, my name is Ted. Here are my feathers, here is my head. Gobble, gobble, gobble, Is what I say, Quick! Run! It’s Thanksgiving Day!
Book/Puppets – Thank You Bear by Greg Foley
This is such a cute story, made even cuter when you use puppets to tell the story!
Lift – Going Up and Down in an Elevator
Going up and down in an elevator. Up and down in an elevator. Up and down in an elevator. 1st floor. 2nd floor. 3rd floor. DOWN!
Bounce – Wobble, Wobble, Wobble
Wobble, wobble, wobble walks the turkey (rock back and forth)
Gobble, gobble, gobble talks the turkey (talking motion with hands)
Turkeys spread their feathers on Thanksgiving Day (spread your arms)
Turkeys spread the feathers and they fly away! (flap your arms & scarf)
Song/Shakers – Put on my dancing shoes by Kathy Reid-Naiman
Just an upbeat song to shake to.
Song/Bubbles – Bubbles by Parachute Express
I love the bubble maker for the babies. Bubbles help babies because the same eye muscles the use to track the bubbles as they move, are the same muscles they will later use for reading.
ASL – The More We Get Together
I like to end with the same sign language song we used in the beginning.
Song – Clean It Up
Any good clean up song will work.
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together
I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!
How’d it go: This one went really smoothly. I had just the right amount of fun “stuff” to do and we had a really good crowd. *Note-I can’t for the life of me remember when I got my turkey rhymes from. If they are yours let me know and I will link*
That’s all for now!