Baby Storytime: 4/22/19
Movement Rhyme – Wake Up…
This is a fun stretch to get our bodies moving before storytime. And it is great for babies because it helps us identify our body parts. I got the lyrics from Jbrary but I’ve seen this one around before.
Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up feet and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle Wake up feet, wake up feet Wake up and wiggle in the morning.
(Also: hands, ears, knees, fingers, hips, etc.)

I’ve decided that for the babies, instead of teaching them a rhyme in sign language, that I am going to start teaching three vocabulary words each time. I generally use Baby Sign to check my signs.
Song – Skidamarink by Raffi
This is a fun song with simple movements. You can do it with baby on your lap or show them the movements with you in front of them.
Board Book – SHARE This Book by Dr. John Hutton
We are working on our sharing today. This is a great little book, with some excellent tips inside. I pass these out to help promote one-on-one reading.
Rhyme – Cheek/Chin
I got this one from another library system. Great for identifying body parts and a fun lift at the end!
Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, cheek, chin, nose. Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, cheek, chin, toes. Cheek, chin, cheek, chin, up baby goes!
Story/Prop – Thank You Bear by Greg Foley

I’ve done this one in the past. It’s a cute one to do with the puppets if you have them all. I am also going to remind the crew of the sign for “thank you,” before we start so they can sign as I read to help reinforce the sign.
Song – Roll, Roll, Roll Your Hands by It’s Toddler Time
A nice slow song with simple movements for our babies.
Rhyme –Well Hello Everybody
This is another one I found online and seems like it would be great for the babies and early toddlers. You can also use it as an opener if you want.
Well hello everybody can you touch your nose, touch your nose, touch your nose? Well hello everybody can you touch your nose, touch your nose?
Well hello everybody can you touch your toes, touch your toes, touch your toes? Well hello everybody can you touch your toes, touch your toes?
(Pat your head, rub your tummy…)
Book – Baby Talk: a book of first words and phrases by Judy Hindley

I found this one while I was weeding and thought it might work well. It’s full of lots of early learning concepts for babies. We will see!
Lift – Up, Up, Up
This is one I made up and I think it’s fun!
Up, up, up (lift baby up) Down, down, down (bring baby back down) Up, down, up, down (up and down motion) And tickles all around (tickle baby)
Bounce – Trot Trot to Boston
I actually never really got this one, but it’s a good bounce.
Trot, trot to Boston Trot, trot to Lynn Trot, trot to grandma’s house, But don’t fall in!
Song/Shakers – We are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner
Bounce, shake or march… we are moving with this silly song!
Song/Bubbles –Bubble Bath by Joanie Bartels
Kids love bubbles and they are great for strengthening the eye muscles that we later use for reading.
Goodbye Rhyme – Now It’s Time To Say Goodbye
This is to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb. I’ve seen it on a couple of sights and it is a nice one to end to. I think we will probably do the ASL sign for “goodbye” with it.
Now it’s time to say goodbye, Say goodbye, Say goodbye, Now it’s time to say goodbye, I’ll see you all next week.
Song – Clean It Up
Any good clean up song will work.
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together
I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!
How’d it go:
This was the perfect size group for a baby storytime today, which was appropriate because I felt like most of my rhymes and such were very easy movements and great for that age. I wasn’t entirely happy with my second book, was there a rhyme scheme, maybe. But fun was had. One more week until we take a little break for May.
That’s all for now!