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Baby Storytime: 3/25/19


Baby Storytime: 3/25/19

  1. Hello Rhyme – Clap and Sing Hello

  2. This is a new hello song for me so we will see how it goes. I created a flip-chart with “hello” on one side and “goodbye” on the other. Same words, just sub hello/goodbye.

  3. ASL Baby Signs – BYE / HELLO / TIRED

  1. I am trying to teach three (ASL/Baby sign) vocabulary words each week. I generally use Baby Sign to check my signs.

  2. Song – Toes are for Tapping by Susan Salidor

  3. Just a simple song with easy movements for our adult to help our babies with.

  4. Board Book – Bye-bye, Train by Pamela Chanko

  5. “Bye” is one of the first movements and one of the first words baby learns, so we are going to practice our “bye-bye” with this board book. I pass these out to promote one-on-one reading.

  6. Rhyme – Fe Fi Fo Fum

  7. This is a finger stretch we can use to begin to develop our dexterity.

Fe fi fo fum. (Touch each finger with thumb-one finger per syllable.) See my fingers. (Hold up four fingers.) See my thumb. (Hold up thumb.) Fe fi fo fum. (Touch each finger with thumb again.)

  1. Puppet – Alligator, Alligator

  2. I haven’t done this one forever but it is an easy puppet rhyme. I’m horrible at puppets.

Alligator, alligator, long and green (hold out arm: 4 fingers, thumb below) Alligator, alligator, teeth so mean (open and close fingers and thumb) Snapping at a fly, snapping at a bee,(snap with fingers and thumb) Snapping at a frog, but you can’t catch me! (keep snapping, then shake head)

  1. Rhyme – This Little Train

  2. Do this one twice. Once for each arm.

The little train ran up the track (run fingers up arm) Toot, toot, toot (make train noises) And then it came toot-tooting back (run fingers down arm) Toot, toot, toot (make train noises)

  1. Rhyme – Itsy Bitsy Spider

  1. There’s always room for the itsy bitsy spider!

  2. Song – Baby Shark by Pinkfong

  3. We make shark movements with our hands. Thumb and forefinger for baby; whole hand for mommy; two arms for daddy; closed fists for grandma; and two arms, closed fist for grandpa.

  4. Book – Hunky Dory Ate It by Katie Evans

  5. Another gem I found while weeding. This is such a cute read, with simple pictures for my babies.

  6. Lift – Up, Up, Up

  7. This is one I made up and I think it’s fun!

Up, up, up (lift baby up) Down, down, down (bring baby back down) Up, down, up, down (up and down motion) And tickles all around (tickle baby)

  1. Bounce –  Little Red Caboose

  2. We are going to bounce like we are on a train while we sing this one.

Little red caboose behind the… Little red caboose behind the… Little red caboose behind the train, train train.

Smoke stack on its back, back, back, back Coming down the track, track, track, track Little red caboose behind the train.

  1. Song/Shaker – Happy Feet by Joanie Bartels

  2. Oh we are sooo going to have happy feet after this storytime. So we are going to shake our shakers like crazy!

  3. Song/Bubbles – Took a bath in a washing machine by Jim Gill

  4. Kids love bubbles and they are great for strengthening the eye muscles that we later use for reading.

  5. Goodbye Rhyme – Clap and Sing Goodbye

  6. We end the same way we started.

  7. Song – Clean It Up

  8. Any good clean up song will work.

  9. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together

  10. I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!

How’d it go:

This one was fun. We had a lot of good energy in the group today. Although, I need to work on my Little Red Caboose if I am going to do that one without the song again.

That’s all for now!


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