Hi Guys,
Finally back to normal baby storytimes! Darn weather, sickness, etc.
Here is what we did this week:
Hello Rhyme – Clap and Sing Hello
This is a new hello song for me so we will see how it goes. I created a flip-chart with “hello” on one side and “goodbye” on the other. Same words, just sub hello/goodbye.
I’ve decided that for the babies, instead of teaching them a rhyme in sign language, that I am going to start teaching three vocabulary words each time. I generally use Baby Sign Language.com to check my signs.
Song – Roll Your Hands by Toddlers on Parade
This is a simple movement song that is slow and great for babies.
Board Book – 123 Counting Fun by Jonathan Litton
I don’t know why I don’t use more texture board books in my storytime, but I am going to give this one a try.
Rhyme – Fe Fi Fo Fum
Fe fi fo fum. (Touch each finger with thumb-one finger per syllable.) See my fingers. (Hold up four fingers.) See my thumb. (Hold up thumb.) Fe fi fo fum. (Touch each finger with thumb again.)
Rhyme/Prop – When Cow Gets Up in the Morning
For this one, I am going to use puppets.
When cows get up in the morning, they always say hello. When cows get up in the morning, they always say hello. And what do they say? Mooooooooo And that is what they say.
Stretch – Fingers Like to Wiggle Waggle
Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. WAY UP HIGH! Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. Fingers like to wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle, wiggle waggle. WAY DOWN LOW!
How else do fingers like to wiggle? (wiggle on different body parts)
Song/Scarves – Scarves On Your Laps by Johnette DowningThis is a great song with simple prompts for moving your scarves around.
Book – Get Out of My Bath by Brita Teckentrup
I LOVE this one and I thought it would be really neat to do it with the babies in our laps. Move them like you would move the book if you were reading it to them.
Lift – Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We lift when we blast off at the end!
Zoom, zoom, zoom We’re going to the moon. Zoom, zoom, zoom We’re going to the moon. If you want to take a trip climb aboard my rocket ship. Zoom, zoom, zoom We’re going to the moon. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Blast off!
Bounce – I Bounce You Here
I bounce you here, I bounce you there I bounce you, bounce you everywhere I tickle you here, I tickle you there I tickle you, tickle you everywhere I hug you here, I hug you there I hug you, hug you everywhere
Song/Shaker – Shake Your Shakers Slowly & Shake it to the East by Kathy Reid Naiman
Two quick prompted shaker songs.
Song/Bubbles – Took a Bath in a Washing Machine by Jim Gill
Kids love bubbles and they are great for strengthening the eye muscles that we later use for reading.
Goodbye Rhyme – Clap and Sing Goodbye
We end the same way we started.
Song – Clean It Up
Any good clean up song will work.
Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together
I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!
How’d it go:
This one went well. My idea for the bath book only went so, so. But it was worth a try. I also totally forgot to do our wiggly waggle fingers. Other than that, fun was had!
That’s all for now!