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Baby Storytime: 2/11/19


Hi Guys, I tried to incorporate a lot of LOOOVE into my baby storytime this week!

Here is what we did this week:

  1. Hello Rhyme – Clap and Sing Hello

  2. This is a new hello song for me so we will see how it goes. I created a flip-chart with “hello” on one side and “goodbye” on the other. Same words, just sub hello/goodbye.

  3. ASL Baby Signs – LOVE / HEART / KISS

  1. I’ve decided that for the babies, instead of teaching them a rhyme in sign language, that I am going to start teaching three vocabulary words each time. I generally use Baby Sign to check my signs.

  2. Song – Skinnamarink by Six Little Ducks

  3. A song that ends with “I love you!” and has simple movements everyone knows.

  4. Board Book – Snuggle Puppy! By Sandra Boynton

  5. I reserved my boardbooks too late so instead of a Valentines Day one, I went with this fun one by Boynton. I pass out a copy to each caregiver and child to help promote one-on-one reading.

  6. Rhyme – 1, 2, 3 Little Hearts

This is to the tune of ten little Indians. I may or may not teach the ASL sign for “heart,” when we do it.

1 little, 2 little, 3 little hearts 4 little, 5 little, 6 little hearts 7 little, 8 little, 9 little hearts 10 little hearts and a kiss!

  1. Rhyme/Flannel – Six Little Valentines

  2. This is one I learned from a colleague and it is a nice surprise when the animals pop out of the envelopes.

6 little Valentines were sent to my house, The first one said, “I love you, From Mouse.”

5 little Valentines in my mailbox, The second one said, “Be mine, Love Fox.”

4 little Valentines full of love, The third one said, “You are sweet, From Dove.”

3 little Valentines just for me, The fourth one said, “Be my honey, Love Bee.”

2 little Valentine’s mailed with care, The fifth one said, “Here’s a hug, From Bear.”

The last little Valentine, from my friend Jay, This one said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. Stretch – Little Heart

  2. This is such a sweet rhyme, so I thought it would be wonderful to share with the babies.

I have a little heart, (place hand over heart) And it goes thump, thump, thump (pat chest three times) It keeps right on beating, When I jump, jump, jump (jump three times) I get a special feeling, when I look at you. (point to child) It makes me want to give you a hug or two. (hug yourself) Credit: The Best Kids Book Site

  1. Song/Sticks – Tapping on my Sticks by Kathy Reid-Naiman

  2. I’ve never passed out rhythm sticks before but I have enough of them for my babies and thought I would give it a try.

  3. Book – A Kiss Like This by Mary Murphy

  1. Who doesn’t love giving baby lots of kisses near Valentines Day?!

  2. Lift – Hug Your Baby

  3. This is another sweet one and a lift too! It goes to the tune of row, row, row your boat. I got this one from Jbrary but I switched out “bear” for “baby.”

Hug, hug, hug your baby   Squeeze him very tight   Hold him high and help him fly Then hug with all your might. 

  1. Lift/Bounce – Giddy-Up, Giddy-Up

  2. I love bounces!!!

Giddy-up, giddy up ride to town (bounce babies on knees) Giddy-up, giddy-up up and down (lift baby up and down) Giddy-up fast (bounce quickly) Giddy up slow (bounce slowly) Giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up, whoa! (dip baby backwards gently)

  1. Song/Shaker – Dinosaur Rock N Roll by Joanie Bartel

  2. Shaker songs stump me. Please send some my way!

  3. Song/Bubbles – Bubbles by Parachute Express

  4. Kids love bubbles and they are great for strengthening the eye muscles that we later use for reading.

  5. Goodbye Rhyme – Clap and Sing Goodbye

  6. We end the same way we started.

  7. Song – Clean It Up

  8. Any good clean up song will work.

  9. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell by Music Together

  10. I will always put this one on in the background as everyone leaves because I just love it!

How’d it go:

We started out with just two babies in this group–darn you weather!–but ended up with a good number. So I ended up readjusting a bit in the beginning and went back to my plan about halfway through. So we were a little frazzled but we definitely loved giving hugs and kisses in this loooove themed baby storytime!

That’s all for now!


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