This is probably one of the most craziest I've felt while doing a storytime. This was just super silly.
Hello – PBJ Hello
Peanut butter jelly,
Marmalade and jam.
Let’s say hello as LOUD as we can!
(softly, fast, slow, nicely)
Stretch – Yoga Poses

Early Literacy Tip – Write
Writing helps children to understand that words have meaning. Early literacy tip for caregivers-Have the child draw a picture, now write the word associated with each object.
Song – Can’t Sit Still by Greg and Steve
Transition Rhyme – Go Bananas!
Bananas unite! Peel bananas, peel, peel bananas Chop bananas, chop chop bananas Mash bananas, mash mash bananas Eat bananas, eat, eat bananas Go bananas, go go bananas!
Book – Counting to Bananas by Carrier Tillotson
Song – Silly Dance Contest by Jim Gill
Rhyme – Monkey See, Monkey Do!
Monkey see, monkey do
Little monkey in the zoo
Monkey, monkey, in the tree
Can you jump around like me?
(swing tail, clap hands, nod head, sit down)

Prop/Flannel - Five Little Monkeys
Rhyme – This is big, big, big
This is big big big Hold (arms out to side)
This is small small small (cup hands together)
This is short short short (hold hands with palms facing each other)
This is tall tall tall (reach one hand above head)
This is fast fast fast (circle fists quickly)
This is slow slow slow (circle fists slowly)
This is yes yes yes (nod)
This is no no no (shake head)
Rhyme – Teasing Mr. Alligator
Five little monkeys swinging in the tree
teasing Mr. Alligator can’t catch me….can’t catch me
along came Mr. Alligator quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey out that tree
Book - Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas by Aaron Blabey
Song w/ Shakers – Fruit Salad Salsa by Laurie Berkner

Rhyme – If You’re Happy and You Know It!
Goodbye – PBJ Goodbye
Peanut butter jelly,
Marmalade and jam.
Let’s say hello as LOUD as we can!
(softly, fast, slow, nicely)