It’s that time of year, where schools start wrapping up their classes and close their doors for three glorious months. For the library, our busiest time of the year is about to start!
Today, is the first day of Summer Reading at my library. Our doors will open and we will be flooded with kids and caregivers looking to sign up and get started on all the fun things the library has to offer. Time to gear up and get ready for questions, troubleshooting, and lots and lots of readers advisory!!!
To help spruce up the children’s room, I created a few signs and displays to go along with the “Libraries Rock!” theme.
Window displays, like from my last display post.

Other window displays that are a bit more interactive.
We plan on letting the kids write their names on paper music notes and adding them to our scales. Hopefully, they will be able to add a sticker to their note as they progress through the program.

Oh and I can’t forget my bulletin board! A little homage to the other meaning to “rock.”

I also made a quick sign to show patrons where they can access our computers in order to sign up for summer reading, while they are at the library.

And finally, I added a little flare to our program flyers. Who doesn’t love a border of gold stars!

Pair all this with awesome book lists, really great incentives and raffles and some awesome summer programming—the library is going to be the place to be this summer!
Let’s keep those brains sharp this summer and continue to read and learn, all while having fun!
What are you doing to get ready for summer reading?
That’s all for now!