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Sensory Storytime: 11/16/19 – Colors 


Sensory Storytime: 11/16/19 – Colors

This will be my second sensory-friendly storytime. These are smaller storytimes for children with sensory issues or who are on the autism spectrum. They are meant to be calmer with less stimulation.

I start out this storytime by telling my small group that there are no rules. They can get up, play with my fidget toys, whatever they need to do. I am going to just go along with the storytime and anyone can join in when they want to. This format seemed to work well last time.

  1. Introduction

  2. SING – Welcome, Welcome Everyone

  3. A nice slow welcome rhyme.

Welcome, welcome everyone. Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun. First we’ll clap our hands just so. Then we’ll bend and touch our toes. Welcome, welcome everyone. Now you’re here, we’ll have some fun!

  1. PASS OUT/ASL – Color Palette / Rainbow

  1. I printed an artists color palette for the kids to hold and point to the colors we focus on today. I also am going to teach them the ASL sign for “rainbow.”

  2. BOOK – Tap The Magic Tree by Christie Matheson

  3. This book is very interactive. In fact, I am going to bring copies for each of my families to touch and run and blow on, just like the book tells us to. That way each child has a book they can interact with and touch.

  4. SING – Rainbow Song

  5. I may use the ASL color signs but I’m not sure yet. We may just sing the rhyme and point to the colors on our color palettes.

Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too!

These are the colors that we know, way up high in the great rainbow. Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too!

  1. BOOK/Prop – White Rabbit’s Color Book by Alan Baker

  2. I use this one a lot. Mostly because I have the props already created. I have buckets of “paint” to go along with the story and my felt rabbits change color as we go.

  3. STRETCH – Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

  1. We always need a good stretch and this one never disappointing.

  2. BOOK – Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

  3. I already have the magnet board prop for this one as well. If the kids want to help me put up my dots of paint, they can.

  4. SONG/FINGER PLAY – One Little Red Fish

  5. I printed out colored fish for this one and we will put them up as we do the rhyme. We can also do it as a finger play.

One little red fish, (hold up one finger) Swimming in the water (put palms together and move them like a fish swimming) Swimming in the water Swimming in the water One little red fish, Swimming in the water Bubble, bubble, bubble – POP! (clap hands on POP!)

  1. The More We Get Together

  2. A nice slow one to end with.

The more we get together Together, together The more we get together The happier we’ll be ‘Cause your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get together The happier we’ll be

  1. Social Hour

  2. A chance for some socialization after storytime.


How’d it go:

Well, we only had one child show up for this one, so it was a nice cozy storytime. I did drop Dog’s Colorful Day because I think three stories was too ambitious. But we had fun and got some positive feedback from the family.

That’s all for now!


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