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Family Storytime – 7/27/19 – Colors 


Family Storytime – 7/27/19 – Colors

  1. Song – Top of the Morning

  2. This is a fun tune and great for waking up and doing a little stretching. It’s called Top of the Morning.

  3. Hello Rhyme – PBJ Hello

  4. This is a great rhyme for saying hello because we get to do it in so many fun ways!

  5. Song/Stretch – Fingers, Nose and Toes by Cedarmont Kids

  6. This is a fun little


  8. I always teach three or four signs based on our theme in my family storytimes. Check out Signing Savvy or Baby Sign Language to learn these signs.

  9. Rhyme – If You’re Wearing…

  10. I’m not sure who I originally got this one from but I know I tweaked the words a smidgen. It’s a fun one to get the group moving.

If you’re wearing any RED, If you’re wearing any RED, If you’re wearing any RED… put your hands on your head!

If you’re wearing any YELLOW… wave up high and say hello! If you’re wearing any BLUE… reach down and touch your shoe! If you’re wearing any GREEN… let’s be a jumping bean! If you’re wearing ANY COLOR… let’s all scream and holler!

  1. Book – Counting Ovejas by Sarah Weeks

  2. I saw this one a while back and my colleague made a flannel board for it, so I just had to borrow for this color themed storytime. I love when I can add a little bilingual aspect to my storytime.

  3. Rhyme – Colors We Know

  4. This is a fun one that goes to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle and is from Everything Preschool — Colors. It’s a good one that we can practice using our signs too.

Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too! These are the colors that we know, way up high in the great rainbow. Red and orange, green and blue, shiny yellow, purple too!

  1. Game – Stop Light Freeze Game 

  1. I created red, yellow and green circles on popsicle sticks. When I held up the green, they’d drive their cars. Yellow and they would drive in slow motion. Red and they would have to freeze in place. I showed them in different orders and at different paces to make it more fun. A freeze dance for cars!

  2. Book/Magnet Board – Dogs Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

  3. I created a magnet board for this one and we will add the colors on as we read the story. If you have a small storytime you could pass the colors out but I don’t so I put them up as we read.

  4. Rhyme – Balloons

  5. I found this one online and thought it would be fun to do the blowing up and clapping movements. It’s from Annes Library Life .

I’m going to blow up this balloon (make circle with hands) And never, never stop. ( make circle bigger and bigger) I’ll blow and blow and blow and blow and (pretend to blow) POP! (clap loudly!)

  1. Book/Prop – White Rabbit’s Colors by Alan Baker

  1. For this one, I created felt rabbits and spray painted some pots. It’s very similar to this one. I don’t have a picture of mine, so I’ll add that later.

  2. Song/Shakers –  De Colores by Dora the Explorer

  3. Just a fun shaker song to get those wiggles out!

  4. Movement Exercise – If You’re Happy and You Know It

  5. I tell the kids that I want to know how happy they are.

  6. Rhyme – Say Goodbye

  7. This is the same rhyme we started with, so the new guys are familiar with it by the end of storytime.

  8. Song – Clean It Up! by The Laurie Berkner Band

  9. Everyone helps put our shakers away.

  10. Song – Goodbye, So Long, Farewell my Friends by Music Together

  11. I always put this one on as I go to open the door. Its a nice, slow, peaceful song to wind down on.

How’d it go:

I definitely needed a fidget song halfway through this storytime, but I got everyone to do some counting which worked OK. They LOVED White Rabbit’s Color Book and even gasped in surprise when the bunny changed colors. Colors is definitely one of my favorite themes.

That’s all for now!


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