Five Elephants in a Bathtub
One elephant in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock (Clap twice)
Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice)
Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Repeat up to ‘Five’
Five elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock,
Splash, Splash,
They all fell in! (Knock everything off the flannel board!)
Five Green and Speckled Frogs
Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs — YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were four green and speckled frogs.
Four green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs — YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were three green and speckled frogs.
Three green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs — YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were two green and speckled frogs.
Two green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs — YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there was one green and speckled frogs.
One green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs — YUM YUM!
One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool
Then there were no green and speckled frogs.
Five Little Apples
Five little apples hanging in a tree,
Teasing Mr. Slinky Worm–“You can’t eat me!”
Along comes Mr. Slinky Worm as quiet as can be. . .
And . . . CRUNCH!-ed that apple right out of the tree!
(Continue until there are no more)
Five Little Babies
Five little babies, sitting oh so sweet.
Now ones standing on her feet!
Four little babies, sitting oh so sweet.
Now two are standing on their feet!
Three little babies, sitting oh so sweet.
Now three are standing on their feet!
Two little babies, sitting oh so sweet.
Now four are standing on their feet!
One little baby, sitting oh so sweet.
Now all five babies are on their feet!
Five Little Dancers
Five little dancers
Prancing on their toes
They twirl and spin and jump
Then off the stage one goes.
4 little dancers…
3 little dancers…
2 little dancers…
One little dancer
Prancing on her toes
She twirls and spins and jumps
Then off the stage she goes.
No more dancers! Our hands are our lap.
But wait! Let’s not forget to clap!
Five Little Fish
5 little fishes swimming in the sea.
First one said, “Come swim with me!”
Second one said, “This sea is deep.”
Third one said, “I want to sleep.”
Fourth one said, “Let’s dive and float.”
Fifth one said, “I see a boat!”
The fishing boat comes.
The line goes splash.
And away those 5 little fishes dash.
Five Little Nails
Five Little Nails
Five little nails, standing straight and steady.
Here I come with my hammer ready!
Bam Bam Bam! That nail goes down.
Now there’s just four nails to pound.
Five Little Piggies
Five little piggies rolling in the mud,
Squishy, squashy, squishy, squashy, Oh what fun!
Along came the farmer, and took one to the tub,
And that left 4 little piggies rolling in the mud.
Four little piggies, rolling in the mud, … Etc.
Five Little Snowmen
Five little snowmen standing in a row (hold up 5 fingers)
Each with a hat (pat head) and a big red bow (pull at neck like a bow tie)
Along came the sun (arms form big circle over head)
And it shone all day (lean to the left)
And one of those snowmen melted away! (put down one finger)
Continue until there are no snowmen left.
High Five Friends
One little friend has so much to do.
Add another little friend and then we get two.
Three little friends will get the job done.
But four little friends are much more fun!
Now with five little friends, what can we do?
A high five for me and a high five for you!
High five those around you
One Little Red Fish
One little red fish, (hold up one finger)
Swimming in the water (put palms together and move them like a fish swimming)
Swimming in the water
Swimming in the water
One little red fish,
Swimming in the water
Bubble, bubble, bubble – POP! (clap hands on POP!)
Count more red fish or use different colors
Infant & Toddler Storytime: Colors
One, Two, Three Little Hearts
1 little, 2 little, 3 little hearts
4 little, 5 little, 6 little hearts
7 little, 8 little, 9 little hearts
10 little hearts and a kiss!
Six Little Valentines
6 little Valentines were sent to my house,
The first one said, “I love you, From Mouse.”
5 little Valentines in my mailbox,
The second one said, “Be mine, Love Fox.”
4 little Valentines full of love,
The third one said, “You are sweet, From Dove.”
3 little Valentines just for me,
The fourth one said, “Be my honey, Love Bee.”
2 little Valentine’s mailed with care,
The fifth one said, “Here’s a hug, From Bear.”
The last little Valentine, from my friend Jay,
This one said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Ten Fluffy Chicks
Five eggs and five eggs (Add a clutch of eggs each time you say “five eggs”)
And that makes ten
Sitting on top (Add the hen)
Is Mother Hen
Cackle cackle cackle (Clap hands as you say Cackle!)
What do I see?
Ten fluffy chickens (Switch eggs for chicks.)
Yellow as can be.
Ten Red Apples
10 red apples grow on a tree (hold up both hands, fingers spread wide)
5 for you, 5 for me (one hand forward, one hand towards yourself)
Let’s shake this tree, together–like so (wiggle in place)
And the 10 red apples will fall below. (drop your hands)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! (count your fingers)